Who ever you follow under, make sure you represent them right. And always remember What would Jesus Do . How would He handle the situation. We have to remember that the weapons of our warfare are not carnell but mighty through the pulling down of strongholds. We shouldn't be fight with people, but the enemy. It's not your brother or sister that you should be upset with ,but Satin. And you have to fight spiritually. Too many houses of God are falling apart over drama in the church , or the flesh. Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. God died so we could have freedom in Him. Why get tangled in the yokes of bondage. Look into the Fruits of the Spirit, the Works of Flesh , and the ten commandments. And judge yourself accordingly.


Lets let God Orchestrate our lives, through everything we do. God wants to do miraculous things, we just have to yeild to Him and resist temptation. And the word say Satan will have to flee. He will make beautiful music through us if we just yeild.